The Golden god
Again, some context for these stories: I absolutely love the Jesus Storybook Bible . I have read it to my kids and have used it countless times in a class that I teach with Cru. I love its focus and its style and its simplicity and at the same time its depth. But the one thing I don't love about it is that there isn't enough of it. So, I have begun writing stories that Sally Lloyd-Jones doesn't cover in the JSB for my 7 year old son. Because of how much my kids have loved the JSB, I have attempted to capture the tone and focus and style of Sally's writing (including some of her great phrases). Not sure if I have succeeded or not, but they have provided rich times of reading when I tuck my son in bed at night. I wanted to begin to occasionally share these in case you wanted to share them with your kids (or enjoy them for yourself). The Golden god Exodus 32 Now that God had given His people the 10 rules, the people would now know exactly...