Walking To the Cross - Reflection #1
WALKING TO THE CROSS - Reflection #1
MARK 11:12-19
It wasn’t a “chip on the shoulder Jesus” who was experiencing
stress from knowing that he would be murdered within a week. Rather, it
was a Jesus who understood the seriousness of hypocrisy, heaven and hell, true
worship, and the glory of God.
On Monday leading to Good Friday, the shadow of the cross was
looming large. Even though the crowd was exuberant as He entered
Jerusalem the day before, Jesus knew the fickleness of the human heart and that
the cheers would turn to condemning accusations only within days.
But, even though hatred, rejection, abandonment, and death were
looming, Jesus’ actions on Monday didn’t have a taint of anxiety or
revenge. Instead, the lamb-like Jesus was giving us a glimpse into His
lion-like righteousness, justice, wrath, and fierce love for the purity of true
worship and the glory of God.
As he entered into Jerusalem on Monday, the religious landscape
looked good from a distance (“the fig tree was in leaf”). But, upon a
closer look, it was barren. And, entering the temple, Jesus moved from
looking at the landscape to stepping into the heart of the religious.
What we can know from this passage is that hearts of dependence
(prayer) were replaced with hearts of independence and indifference toward the
supremacy of God; the glory of God was replaced with greed; a god-honoring
interaction with the nations was replaced with a god-belittling embarrassment;
and a longing for the true Messiah was replaced with a hatred for one who
didn’t meet their expectations.
And so I find myself – more easily identifying with the
independent, greedy and god-belittling hearts of the religious leaders of
Jesus’ day - a heart that has deep-rooted expectations of what my
Messiah should be like. And, when he doesn’t answer my prayers fast
enough, or doesn’t make life comfortable for me (as I define comfort), or
doesn’t give me ministry success, or takes me through his strong hand of
discipline, then instead of truly worshiping and bearing fruit that lasts, what
comes from my life exposes a heart that’s not aligned with the purity of
But, thank God that the cross is only 4 days away. I am
just as desperate for the cross as the religious leaders of Jesus’ day. Only at
the cross can I find cleansing forgiveness for this wicked heart. And, it
is only at the cross that the power of my sin is broken. The wrath that withers
fig trees and turns over tables was poured out on Christ so that I don’t have
to bear the weight of God’s overwhelming condemnation for all of eternity.
Thank God for Friday.
Questions for reflection:
In what ways have you replaced true fruit with just leaves
(religious-looking outward performance)? In other words, “if people were to
look at the landscape of my life, it would look good. But, if they got
closer, they would see…”
Where do you find your heart most identifying with the religious
leaders of Jesus’ day (independence, greed, god-belittling actions, wrong
expectations leading to indifference or anger toward God)?
How can you believe the gospel more
deeply to root out this sin your life?
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