Psalm 42-43 - why am I so distraught?


(Because of the repeated refrains and the lack of heading in Psalm 43, I agree with many commentators, that these two psalms were originally one psalm. Therefore, my prayer will be for both psalms).

God, it is obvious that the author of Psalms 42 and 43 is in great distress. The agony of his soul is on full display with words like mourning, turmoil, fears, and cast down. In his despair, he even has to plead with his soul to find hope in God (42:5, 11, 43: 5).

God, many of us have been there - the discouragement, the mourning, the anguish, the tears. We can relate. But what I can’t relate to is why he feels all of this.

These two psalms paint a picture of a man who finds himself removed from the place of worship. And his longing for you leads to the question, “When shall I come and appear before God?” 42:2). And, in 43:3-4, he finds hope that he will once again find joy in being in your presence.

God, the sad reality is that I could often go through my days or weeks and be content with whether I was experiencing your presence or not. Other things easily fill my joy cup.

And so, these psalms confront me at a deep level - not at the surface of what I do or don’t do. No, these psalms confront me at what I desire or don’t desire - my longings…my affections.

God, these are things that I can’t change myself. I desperately need you to create in me the longing for more of your presence in my life. Give me a holy dissatisfaction with cheap substitutes. Create in my a holy turmoil and mourning in the absence of your presence.

And God, when I don’t experience your presence and wonder where you are, give me a steadfast hope that longs for and looks forward to a day when I will unreservedly enjoy your presence forever. Until then, continue to give me tastes of your presence to whet my appetite for that day.



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