Psalm 6 - A prayer of weeping with the weeping

God, this Psalm is filled with such raw emotion.  Words like languishing, troubled, moaning, tears, weeping, and grief fill this Psalm.  

God, thank you that your word never gives the impression that Christianity is a trouble-free life.  At the same time, though, I pray this while sitting in a comfortable home and relative peace and security.

Yet, God, there have been many tears in this home in the last six months.  There has been weeping and grief and even moaning.  And there have been sleepless nights.

And God, I know these tears pale in comparison to those crying out to you in Ukraine.  Or, the tears of nearly 6,000 who were killed for their faith worldwide in 2021 (and probably more than that in 2022).

God, thank you that you are a God who allows, invites, and hears those cries.  How do I know this?  Because Jesus, you wept like this during a sleepless night in the garden.  Jesus, as you were praying (while your disciples were sleeping), did you pray this Psalm that night?  

But, Jesus, for you, it was far worse.  The Father answered with a “no.”  He did not accept your plea.  He allowed your enemies to overtake you.  He allowed death to swallow you - all so death wouldn’t swallow me.  

God, even though we still experience pain and suffering and weeping, because you turned your back on Jesus, I can be certain that you will never turn your back on my tears.



  1. Amen, and amen. In a world with numerous variations on the prosperity gospel, reminders like this of the realities of following Jesus are welcome - especially as they remind me that me real hope is not in anything that this world can provide.


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