Psalm 8 - Majesty in Condescension


God, this psalm is a celebration of your majesty. The refrain of praise for your majestic name bookends this psalm. But, what is so utterly astonishing (and praiseworthy) is why you are celebrated as majestic.

David certainly has in mind the glories of all creation - the work of your hands, the heavens, the stars, and the moon. But, it is in the light of this majesty that you are seen as even more majestic - it is a majesty of condescension. In your all-powerful strength, you would condescend to find strength over your enemies in the praise of babies and infants (v. 2). What? Are you serious? That the creator of billions of galaxies would find strength in the unintelligible praise of a baby?

And God, you are also seen as majestic because, as the creator of all, you would actually give those very babies dominion to rule over your creation. God, who are we that you would give us that kind of authority, power, dignity, and dominion?

But, really the question is, who are you - that you would be the kind of God that would share your glory with the likes of us?

But, God, while we were created to rule in your image, we have so destructively marred that image. We have dehumanized fellow image-bearers. We have ruled in selfishness. We have used others for our own benefit. And when we’re not trying to destroy one another, we are worshiping the image we see in the mirror or on the screen.

God, in light of this, thank you that you condescended even more - that you sent your son to become one of those babies - that he would become a son of man. The baby who became a servant to the point of death, even death on the cross. And God, Philippians 2 and Hebrews 2 make clear that you then raised him from the dead and he now perfectly rules over all things.

Jesus, thank you for succeeding where we most miserably failed. You truly are majestic!


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