Psalm 29 - God’s voice in ice storms


(Written on 2/2/23)

God, last night I heard your voice. Like the boy Samuel, I didn’t know it was your voice at the time. But I awoke to thunder and the sounds of my oaks twisting and crashing. Three days of ice had taken its toll, and their limbs gave way under the last round of fury and ice last night.

God, I could chalk all of this up to a cold front mixing with moisture from the gulf. It could be explained with physics, determining how much ice our tree limbs could bear. Or, with David, I can hear your voice in the thunder and ice and the cracking of oaks. God, give me ears to hear.

And God, it’s only when I can hear your voice in the storm that I can know peace (v. 11). If this were explained scientifically, I would only be able to find peace in wishful thinking or in having the right insurance. But, when I hear your majestic voice, I can worship…I can respond with awe and reverence…and I can be reminded that you are the King over the storms and you are the savior who can calm storms…and hearts.



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